import pyodbc import snap7 from snap7 . util import * # Create a connection to the PLC plc = snap7 . client . Client () plc . connect ( '' , 0 , 1 ) # Read the value of MW10 & MW20 result = plc . read_area ( snap7 .types. Areas [ 'MK' ], 0 , 10 , 2 ) result1 = plc . read_area ( snap7 .types. Areas [ 'MK' ], 0 , 20 , 2 ) # Convert the result to a Python integer mw10 = snap7 .util. get_int ( result , 0 ) mw20 = snap7 .util. get_int ( result1 , 0 ) # Print the value of MW10 print ( mw10 ) print ( mw20 ) plc . disconnect () # Connect to the database conn = pyodbc .connect( 'Driver={SQL Server};' 'Server=YOUR SERVER NAME;' 'Database=DBNAME;' 'Trusted_Connection=yes;' ) cursor = conn .cursor() cursor .execut...